In a Leap of Faith, I have decided to move on from Policing...

On August 22nd, 2005 I started my dream job after following in my father's footsteps. What a ride it was. Many of my experiences I wouldn't trade for the world, and gained a few friends for life.

Yesterday, I officially walked away. What was being asked of me, I could no longer accept. I could no longer risk not making it home to Jen and the kids for a system that is so broken, and so divided.

I understand why others remain silent in order to provide, however I cannot. I am not built that way.

I am also incredibly sad for anyone who has been suspended without pay, fired, or had their businesses shut down due to lockdowns or a medical choice.

"Essential" is one of the most divisive words in the last 20-months. Providing is essential.... Period.

Nurses especially..... As the backbone of our medical system, my heart goes out to you. Our "leaders" have turned their backs on you.

What is happening in society, our hospitals, and in policing, in my eyes is an absolute violation of our rights. Our Human rights, Charter rights, and more importantly a violation of our God given rights to live free.

Medical freedom and bodily autonomy are non-negotiables. Or at least they should be.

The division being handed down by our Government officials is nothing short of barbaric, and should never be forgotten.

Our leaders are never shy to point out our differences. Black vs White, Cops vs BLM, Vaxxx vs Unvaxxx, Men vs Women...... It is never the beauty that surrounds us daily.

Our children deserve better.... End the fear, end the anxiety. The world is absolutely beautiful 99.999% of the time. Trust me I've seen the worst, and it is rare. The world they are painting for us, is their own sick fantasy.

None of this is to debate the seriousness of "you know what" ... We know what we're dealing with now. Make your own decisions.

Thanks for the support of so many. Means the world to my family.

Excited A.F for the next chapter, where I get to work side by side with my best friend, Jen.

Mike Rapson

Mike Rapson